Blue – Icon Pack

Blue - Icon Pack v63 APK (Full Version)

PersonalizationFull Version Android 5.0
App name Blue - Icon Pack
MOD info

Full Version

Version 63
Size 25M
Threats not found.
Published (modified): September 28, 2024

Blue-Icon Pack is an application that provides users with a stock of available icons. With this application, users can change the icons of applications on their devices quickly and easily. Not only that, the quality of the icons is also provided at the highest level.


This application provides users with a treasure trove of lovely and trendy icons. Color is also a highlight of this application. Blue is a gentle color and is loved by almost everyone. The icon warehouse is also updated regularly to ensure that it is in line with market trends.

  • Comprehensive App Coverage: Each application will need its own illustrative icons, but they must be suitable for the application. If you do not recognize what application it is after changing the icons, it will not work. Nowadays, there are many different applications in the world, so Blue-Icon Pack has also provided a variety of themes to cover all applications.
  • Continuous Icon Expansion: As mentioned, the application is constantly updated to keep up with the market’s changes. Obviously, when there are new applications, the application must also update the icons suitable for those applications. The update is also intended to keep the icon library fresh.
  • Unified Blue Aesthetic: Unity is the main keyword for a beautiful interface. When downloading the application, you will be attracted by the consistent blue color on all icons. This makes your interface shorter and neater than ever.


In addition to the abundant quantity, the application also provides outstanding quality for players. The designed icons are all displayed at high resolution. Therefore, there is no way users will see icons with blurred edges because they are extremely sharp and have a resolution of 256x256px.

  • High-Quality Visual Experience: Looking at a phone interface with blurred icons will reduce the user experience. Of course, if you own a phone with high resolution, the sharpness will make you “wow” even more.
  • Versatile Size Adaptation: Normally, when the quality is poor, expanding or stretching the icons will reduce the quality. But with this application, it is different, users can freely increase/decrease, stretch/shrink the icons without worrying about reducing the quality. Because those who own a large screen will want the icons to be large and vice versa. It will create harmony for your screen interface.
  • Enhanced Device Appearance: In the end, it all comes down to one ultimate goal: to have a beautiful and efficient interface. From size, to quality, color,… everything will create a beautiful whole with high aesthetics. The concise arrangement and consistency between icons will create an enhanced interface for your device.
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App name Blue - Icon Pack
MOD info

Full Version

Version 63
Size 25M
Threats not found.
Published (modified): September 28, 2024